
Eric Thill was born on 27 November 1993 in Luxembourg City.

Education and qualifications

After completing secondary school at the Lycée Technique in Ettelbruck, Eric Thill started studying at the University of Luxembourg. He obtained a Bachelor in Management and completed his studies with a master's degree in European Governance in 2019.

Governmental positions

Following the legislative elections of 8 October 2023, Eric Thill was appointed Minister for Culture and Minister Delegate for Tourism on 17 November 2023 in the coalition government formed by the Christian Social People's Party (CSV) and the Democratic Party (DP).

Other political positions

Eric Thill has been a member of the DP since 2018. Following the municipal elections of 2017, he was appointed first alderman and mayor of the municipality of Schieren in November 2019. He remained in this office until November 2023.

Eric Thill has been chairman of the DP for the district North since 2019.

Professional activities

Eric Thill has worked in a consulting firm for financial institutions and was a political advisor in the DP parliamentary group from 2020 to November 2023.

Member of the Government