Latest News
World Patient Safety Day
September 17 is World Patient Safety Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) initiated this day to raise public awareness and promote safe healthcare for patients.
Launch of the 23rd European Mobility Week: For a shared public space accessible to all
The Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, in collaboration with Syvicol, announces the launch of the 23rd edition of European Mobility Week, which will take place from 16 to 22 September 2024.
The Government's Commitment to Digital Accessibility
Equality is one of the fundamental principles of our democracy. All websites and mobile applications of public bodies are subject to a requirement of non-discrimination of users, in particular on the issue of disability.
Kulturentwécklungsplang 2018-2028
The first National Cultural Development Plan serves to guarantee freedom of expression and the necessary creative spaces, so that arts, culture and actors can continue to improve the quality of our lives.
🇱🇺 🌿Haut huet de Minister Serge Wilmes am Kader vum Appel à Projet "Méi Natur an eise Schoulhäff" deene 7 Gewënner-Gemengen hire Präis iwwerreecht. 🏆 Insgesamt goufe 17 Projeten agereecht. An d'Gewënner sinn: Déifferdeng, Suessem, Colmer-Bierg, Monnerech, Schëffleng, Munneref an Ëlwen. Mir soen all de Participanten e grousse Merci a freeën eis schonn op d'Resultater. Dee nächsten Appel à Projets fir méi Begréngung an eisen Dierfer a Stied gëtt geschwë lancéiert.📢 - 🇫🇷 🌿Aujourd'hui, le ministre Serge Wilmes a remis les prix aux gagnants de l'appel à projet « Méi Natur an eise Schoulhäff ». 🏆 Au total, 17 communes ont soumis un projet. Les lauréats sont : Differdange, Sanem, Colmar-Berg, Mondercange, Schifflange, Mondorf-les-Bains et Troisvierges. Nous remercions vivement tous les participants et nous nous réjouissons de découvrir les résultats. Le prochain appel à projets pour plus davantage de verdissement dans les villes et villages sera lancé prochainement.📢 - #mecb #climate #greenschools #Naturpakt
Government Council
The Government Council meets on a weekly basis at the Ministry of State in order to deliberate all the matters on the agenda which is decided by the Prime Minister, President of the Government Council.
The press releases of the Government Council are in French.
Luxembourg has "some catching up to do" on affordable housing
Interview with Claude Meisch in the Luxembourg Times
"Adapter le système scolaire"
Interview avec Claude Meisch dans L'Essentiel
"Wir machen eine verantwortungsvolle Einwanderungspolitik”
Interview: d’Lëtzebuerger Land (Luc Laboulle) D’Land: Um die Migration zu begrenzen, hat die deutsche Bundesregierung am Dienstag auf Druck der CDU beschlossen, für mehrere Monate Kontrollen an allen Grenzen durchzuführen. Welche Folge hat das für Luxemburg? Léon Gloden: Bundesinnenministerin Nancy...
Presentation of the Government
Prime Minister
Vice Prime Minister
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs
HANSEN Martine
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture
Minister for Consumer Protection
Minister of Education, Children and Youth
Minister of Housing and Spatial Planning
Minister of the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism
Minister of Defence
Minister for Mobility and Public Works
Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity
Minister for Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees
ROTH Gilles
Minister of Finance
DEPREZ Martine
Minister of Health and Social Security
Minister for Home Affairs
OBERTIN Stéphanie
Minister for Digitalisation
Minister for Research and Higher Education
MISCHO Georges
Minister of Sport
Minister of Labour
Minister of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity
Minister for the Civil Service
MARGUE Elisabeth
Minister of Justice
Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister for Media and Connectivity
Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister for Relations with Parliament
Minister for Culture
Minister Delegate for Tourism
About... the History of Luxembourg
This brochure succinctly outlines the evolution of Luxembourg from the 10th century to the present. A timeline running through the brochure highlights the key dates of the history of Luxembourg. A QR code at the end of the brochure takes...
About... Languages in Luxembourg
This brochure describes the linguistic situation in Luxembourg. Following a brief historical overview of the use of languages in the country, the publication presents the various uses of Luxembourgish on a day-to-day basis and shows how Luxembourg people juggle a...