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  • 130 result(s)
  1. The Grand Ducal Regulation of 18 March introducing a series of measures in the context of the fight against COVID-19 was published in the official journal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and has thus entered into effect on this day. As a consequence, the state of crisis has been declared on the national territory, in accordance with article 32(4) of the Constitution.

  2. On 10 February 2020, the Prime Minister, Minister of State, Xavier Bettel, received Michel Barnier, Head of Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom, at the Château de Senningen. The Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Jean Asselborn, and the Minister of Finance, Pierre Gramegna, also attended the meeting.

  3. The Prime Minister, Minister of State, Xavier Bettel announces that this afternoon, H.R.H. the Grand Duke has honourably discharged, by his own request, Étienne Schneider, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Economy, Minister of Health.

  4. In the margins of the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the battle of the Bulge, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, was received at the Ministry of State by Prime Minister, Minister of State, Xavier Bettel.

  5. Opening the 2019 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Annual Meeting in Luxembourg in the presence of HRH Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Fernand Etgen, Xavier Bettel and Pierre Gramegna, AIIB President Jin Liqun set out the Bank's commitment to drive the green economy through sustainable, adaptable and innovative infrastructure investment.

  6. For the public celebration of the birthday of HRH the Grand Duke, members of the Grand Duke's family and the government will attend the festivities organised in Esch-sur-Alzette, Bourscheid and Luxembourg City on 22nd and 23rd June 2019.

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