
Xavier Bettel was born on 3 March 1973 in Luxembourg.

Education and qualifications

Following secondary school studies, Xavier Bettel pursued higher education studies at the University of Nancy, where he was awarded a master’s degree in public and European law from the Faculty of Law.

Governmental posts

Following the legislative elections of 20 October 2013, Xavier Bettel was appointed Prime Minister, Minister of State, Minister for Communications and Media, Minister for Religious Affairs on 4 December 2013 in the coalition government formed by the Democratic Party (DP), the Luxembourg Socialist Workers’ Party (LSAP) and the Green Party ('déi gréng'). Following the resignation of Maggy Nagel from the government, Xavier Bettel was appointed Minister for Culture on 18 December 2015.

Following the legislative elections of 14 October 2018, Xavier Bettel was appointed Prime Minister, Minister of State, Minister for Communications and Media, Minister for Religious Affairs on 5 December 2018 in the coalition government formed by the DP, the LSAP and 'déi gréng'.

Following the legislative elections of 8 October 2023, Xavier Bettel was appointed Vice Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs on 17 November 2023 in the coalition government formed by the Christian Social People's Party (CSV) and the Democratic Party (DP).

Other political posts

A member of the DP since 1989, Xavier Bettel was elected to Parliament for the first time in 1999 at the age of 26 while standing for the DP for Centre district. He was re-elected in 2004, 2009 and 2013. In Parliament, he assumed among others the roles of vice-chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee from 2004 to 2013 and vice-chairman of the Committee of Enquiry into the State Intelligence Service from 2012 to 2013. From 2009 to 2011, he assumed the role of chairman of the DP parliamentary group.

At local level, Xavier Bettel initially served as a municipal councillor for the City of Luxembourg from 2000 to 2005, then as an alderman from 2005 to 2011. Following the municipal elections of 2011, he became mayor, a position he held until his appointment as Prime Minister, Minister of State in December 2013.

From January 2013 to November 2015, Xavier Bettel was chairman of the DP.

Professional activities

From 2001 to 2013, Xavier Bettel was a member of the Luxembourg Bar.

Member of the Government