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  • 130 result(s)
  1. Prime Minister, Minister of State Xavier Bettel attended the Special European Council in Brussels on 9th and 10th February. The main items on the agenda included Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, the economic situation at EU level, as well as aspects of European migration policy.

  2. At the request of the agricultural sector, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, Minister of State, Claude Haagen, Minister of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development and Joëlle Welfring, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development invited representatives of the agricultural, viticultural and horticultural professions to the "Agrarsommet" on 26 January 2023 at the Château de Senningen.

  3. The Benelux Summit was held on 28 November 2022 at Bourglinster Castle as part of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Benelux Union. The Luxembourg Presidency focused on three priorities: emerging stronger from the pandemic, promoting synergies with neighbouring regions and working towards a green, safe and competitive Benelux.

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