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  • 30 result(s)
  1. The meeting was opened with a welcome speech by the Minister for Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees, Max Hahn, who emphasised the important role of this new council, which replaces the former National Council for Foreigners (CNE), in contributing to better living-together for all people living and working in Luxembourg.

  2. On Wednesday 26 June 2024, around 65 people gathered in Redange in the festive hall of the Atert-Lycée for the signing ceremony of the "Gemengepakt” (municipal pact for intercultural living together) with the Syndicat intercommunal Kanton Réiden and the municipality of Mertzig, followed by the official handover of the "Citizen's guide” to the same municipalities.

  3. On the occasion of the public celebration of the birthday of HRH the Grand Duke, members of the Grand Duke's family and the government attend the festivities organised in Kehlen, Esch-sur-Alzette and Luxembourg City on 22nd and 23rd June 2024.

  4. On the occasion of the public celebration of the birthday of HRH the Grand Duke, members of the Grand Duke's family and the government attend the festivities organised in Kehlen, Esch-sur-Alzette and Luxembourg City on 22nd and 23rd June 2024.

  5. Am Mittwoch, den 19. Juni 2024, organisierte das Ministerium für Familie, Solidarität, Zusammenleben und Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen die zweite Unterzeichnungszeremonie des "Gemengepakt" (kommunaler Pakt des interkulturellen Zusammenlebens) in diesem Jahr mit 5 Gemeinden, gefolgt von der offiziellen Übergabe des "Bürgerleitfadens" an die Gemeinde Colmar-Berg.

  6. On Wednesday 22 May 2024, the 12th edition of the Forum fir d'Zesummeliewen an eise Gemengen (Forum for living together in our municipalities, formerly Group for Exchange and Support on Integration at Local Level – GRESIL) was held at the Hall polyvalent in Dudelange.

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