Current role
- Minister for Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees
Max Hahn was born on 30 April 1981 in Luxembourg.
Trained as an industrial engineer, he worked for four years for an engineering company in the field of energy consulting. He was also appointed training officer for the professional fire fighters of the City of Luxembourg.

Latest news
Forum fir d'Zesummeliewen an eise Gemengen, Sign-ing ceremony of the "Gemengepakt vum interkul-turellen Zesummeliewen" and official handover of the "Citizen's guide" in Niederanven
On Wednesday 27 November 2024, the 13th Forum fir d'Zesummeliewen an eise Gemengen was held in Niederanven, in the presence of the Minister for Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees, Max Hahn.
New record: more than 1093 participants at the Orientation Day
More than 1093 signatories of the Welcome and Integration Contract and members of the new Biergerpakt programme participated at the Orientation Day on 9 November 2024, organized by the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together ...
Signing ceremony of the "Gemengepakt vum interkulturellen Zesummeliewen" and official handover of the "Citizen's guide"
On Wednesday 18 September 2024, the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees organised the fourth signing ceremony of the "Gemengepakt" (municipal pact for intercultural living together).