Legal aspects

Any person using the information, documents, products, software and/or services (hereinafter collectively referred to as the 'Services') offered by this website shall be deemed to be aware of, and to have accepted, all the provisions of these general terms and conditions of use.

Obligations of the user

This portal is accessible via the internet. The user declares that he/she is aware of the risks involved and that he/she accepts those risks. He/she must protect himself/herself against the effects of computer piracy by adopting a suitable and secure computer configuration.

The Luxembourg State accepts no liability for any loss or damage which the user may suffer, directly or indirectly, in connection with browsing on this website or using the services which it offers, or from accessing any of the other internet websites to which it refers.

Cookies management

This site may use cookies, these are small text files used to analyse information related to the user's navigation (frequency of visits, duration of visits, visited pages, language preferences, etc ...). They are stored by this site in a directory on the computer of the user. They contain the name of the server that wrote it, an identifier as a single number and an expiration date. The unique identifier allows this website to recognise the user's computer at each visit.

The user can decide if the web server of this site is allowed or not to store cookies on his computer. He can change the browser options at all times in order not to accept and store cookies. Moreover, the user can remove all the stored cookies.

The use of certain features of this site may be limited or disabled if the user does not accept cookies from the website. It is therefore recommended that the user sets his browser so that cookies of this site are accepted.

Modification of the portal

The Luxembourg State reserves the right to develop, modify or suspend this website, without prior notice, for maintenance or updating purposes or for any other reason which may be considered necessary. In particular, the Luxembourg State may at any time withdraw, add, supplement or clarify all or any part of the information and Services contained in or offered on this website. No liability shall be attached to the Luxembourg State for any loss or damage whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, relating to any such changes.

Limitations of liability

The Luxembourg State shall use its best endeavors to ensure that this website is as widely available as possible.

The Luxembourg State shall use its best endeavors to ensure the security of the computer system. However, it accepts no liability in the event of a cyber attack or the website becoming temporarily or wholly unavailable.

The Luxembourg State shall use its best endeavors to ensure that the information and Services contained on this website are accurate and correct. However, it accepts no liability in the event of – in particular – any omission with regard to the updating of any information or form, operator error or incorrect encoding, or any errors, inaccuracy or omission in the provided information. The aim is to disseminate accurate, up-to-date information emanating from a variety of sources, but the Luxembourg State is unable to avoid all risks of material error. None of the information published on this site should be considered as exhaustive or as a commitment from the State of Luxembourg.

Links and hyperlinks to related sites

For the convenience of users, this site may contain links to other websites which users may find useful or interesting. The Luxembourg State does not systematically monitor the content of those websites. Consequently, it is unable to accept any liability for the content of those websites, either in terms of the legality of such content or as regards to the accuracy of the information to be found on them.

Intellectual property (Copyright)

This website, all the elements contained in it (including the layout) and the information and Services are protected by the relevant intellectual property and copyright legislation.

Unless otherwise stated, the Luxembourg State grants no license or authorisation with regard to the intellectual property rights which it holds in respect of this site, the elements contained in it or the Services.

Documents of the text type

Unless otherwise stated, users are authorised to consult, download and print the available documents without prior request.

Other content

Unless otherwise stated, the reproduction of other content types (photos, videos, audio files, animations, graphics, etc.) is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged.

These types of content may in no case be sold or hired out for a fee.

All kinds of modification, transformation or adaptation, in whole or in part, of the aforementioned types of content are prohibited. 

Users who reproduce portal content undertake not to use it contrary to human dignity and respect for the individual.

Unless expressly authorised by the publisher, the portal can not be integrated in any way, in whole or in part, into another portal or into a website.

The above rights that are implicitly and explicitly granted to users constitute authorisation of use and in no way constitute a transfer of ownership of rights, property or anything else in respect to this portal.

Changes to the general terms and conditions of use

These general terms and conditions of use maybe modified or supplemented at any time, without prior notice, in line with changes made to this website or changes in the law, or for any other reason which may be considered necessary. It is the responsibility of the user to acquaint himself/herself with the general terms and conditions of use of this site, of which only the most up-to-date version accessible online shall be deemed to be in force.

Applicable law

All disputes concerning the use of this website and its Services shall be governed by Luxembourg law, and the courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine such disputes.

Data protection

Personal data communicated by users shall be processed in accordance with the Law of 2 August 2002 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as amended.

The collected data can only result from the voluntary registration of your personal data, for example by subscribing to a newsletter, using the contact form or ordering a publication.

In accordance with the above mentioned Law on data protection, users have the right to access, modify or object to any data processing which concerns them. In order to do so, they should lodge a request to that effect with the State Information Technology Centre (Centre des Technologies de l'Information de l'État ), by letter sent to the following address:

Centre des technologies de l'information de l'Etat
 1, rue Mercier
 B.P. 1111
 L-1011 Luxembourg


Personal data communicated by users, collected via a form or the subscription to the newsletter, shall be processed in accordance with the Law of 2 August 2002 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as amended.

The State Information Technology Center is responsible for processing the data within the framework of the subscriptions to the newsletter.

The sole purpose of processing these data is to allow you to receive this site's newsletter. However, they can also be processed for historical, statistical or scientific purposes.

Users' computers' IP addresses are automatically recorded and stored in the system.

Your data, including your surname, first name and e-mail address are communicated solely to allow the distribution of the newsletter to the subcontractor of this site, Experian Cheetahmail established in Centre Europe Azur, 323 Boulevard du président Hoover, 59000 Lille, France, which is subject to the legal obligations arising out of the above mentioned Law.

In accordance with this Law, you have the right to access, modify or disagree to the processing of all your personal data. To make use of these rights, please contact us.

Social networks

All users joining the community on the social networks commit to refrain from any discrimination in connection with race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, handicap, matrimonial status, or professional status.

Comments which are insulting, racist, sexist or offensive have no place on the social networks. They will be deleted and reported. All commercial content will also be removed.

Comments on the social networks Facebook and Twitter will be answered from Monday to Friday during office hours. Outside of these hours, as well as during weekends and on public holidays, the administration of these pages is not continually assured.

On Twitter, the portal's editor, the Information and Press Service (SIP), communicates primarily in French. Depending on the situation and on the target, information may be published in Luxembourgish, German or English. It is possible that information published on the government's Twitter account links to websites which are not multilingual. As far as possible, replies to all questions and comments shall be in the user's language.

On Facebook, the SIP communicates primarily in Luxembourgish. Depending on the target or the nature of the information, it may also be published in French, German or English. It is possible that information published on the government's Facebook page links to websites which are not multilingual. As far as possible, replies to all questions and comments shall be in the user's language.

Member of the Government