
Martine Deprez was born on 26 April 1969 in Wiltz.

Education and qualifications

After completing her secondary school in 1988, Martine Deprez went on to study at the Cours universitaires du Luxembourg and later at the University of Liège, where she obtained a bachelor's degree in mathematical sciences in 1992.

Governmental posts

Following the legislative elections of 8 October 2023, Martine Deprez was appointed Minister of Health and Social Security on 17 November 2023 in the coalition government formed by the Christian Social People's Party (CSV) and the Democratic Party (DP).

Other political posts

A member of the CSV since 1986, Martine Deprez has held a number of positions, including Deputy Secretary General and member of the National Committee. In 2012, she was appointed State councillor, a position she had to resign for incompatibility upon joining the government.

Professional activities

In 1992, Martine Deprez started working for the General Inspectorate of Social Security, where she was in charge of issues related to pension insurance, family allowances, accident insurance and supplementary pensions. After her 3rd maternity leave, she successfully completed her training as secondary school teacher and was appointed in 2004 as a science teacher, specialising in mathematics, in 2004. She taught at the Lycée Aline Mayrisch until 2011 and at the Lycée Hubert Clément from 2011 until 16 November 2023. At the same time, she held the position of State councillor, where she was responsible for drafting laws and Grand Ducal regulations relating to health and social security.

Member of the Government

DEPREZ Martine