
Stéphanie Obertin was born on 13 May 1974 in Luxembourg.

Education and qualifications

After completing her secondary school studies in mathematics at the Lycée Michel Rodange, Stéphanie Obertin went on to study general medicine at the Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg and then at the Université Henri Poincaré in Nancy. In 2006, she obtained her doctorate in medicine, with a qualification in general medicine.

Governmental posts

Following the legislative elections of 8 October 2023, Stéphanie Obertin was appointed Minister for Digitalisation and Minister for Research and Higher Education on 17 November 2023 in the coalition government between the Christian Social People's Party (CSV) and the Democratic Party (DP).

Professional activities

From 2007 until she joined the government, Stéphanie Obertin worked with four medical colleagues in their general practice in Luxembourg-Bonnevoie. Over the years, Stéphanie Obertin also engaged in a number of complementary activities related to her profession. She worked as a doctor undergoing specialisation in the oncohaematology department at the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL), as a cooperating doctor in the CHL's emergency department and as an accredited general practitioner at the CIPA Gréngewald institution and the Hospices Civils de Pfaffenthal.

Her relentless curiosity and constant desire to broaden her skills led her to take part in multidisciplinary teaching in palliative care, geriatric care and diabetology. She also holds an inter-university diploma in Sports Medicine and Traumatology, as well as a university diploma in the theoretical bases and practical methods of antibiotic therapy in hospitals. Finally, in 2022 she took a course in the diagnosis of skin tumours using optical and digital dermoscopy.

From 2010 to 2022, Stéphanie Obertin was a member of the board of directors of the Cercle des médecins généralistes, and was its president from May 2019 to December 2022.

Member of the Government

OBERTIN Stéphanie