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  • 1677 result(s)
  1. The Luxembourg Programme for Dementia Prevention (pdp) is entering a new funding period. It will continue to develop in the direction of personalised prevention and help to reduce the risk of dementia in Luxembourg for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).

  2. The number of people testing positive for COVID-19 continues to decrease slightly, but remains at a high level, with 3,851 cases for the week of 16 to 22 November, compared to 4,013 cases for the previous week. However, the number of contacts identified has increased significantly to 15,072, due in particular to the recent substantial reinforcement of the contact tracing team.

  3. The number of people testing positive for COVID-19 continues to decrease slightly, but remains at a high level, with 4,013 cases for the week of 26 October to 1 November, compared to 4,133 cases for the previous week.

  4. The number of people testing positive for COVID-19 has slightly decreased with 4,127 cases for the week of 2 to 8 November, compared to 4,700 cases for the previous week. The number of identified contacts remained stable at 12,582 The average age of those diagnosed as COVID-19 positive also remained stable at 41.4 years, compared to 41.2 in the previous week.

  5. "I am deeply shocked by the scale of the demolition inflicted by Israeli authorities on eleven families, including 40 children and one elderly person, of the community of Humsa Al Bqai'a (also referred to as Khirbet Hamsa al-Foqa) in the northern Jordan Valley, in the occupied West Bank."

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