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  • 1682 result(s)
  1. Sur invitation de la Union Stiftung, Corinne Cahen, en tant que ministre luxembourgeoise à la Grande Région, a participé avec Peter Strobel, ministre sarrois des Finances et de l'Europe, à la conférence "L'avenir des relations Sarre-Luxembourg", qui s'est tenue à Sarrebruck le 15 octobre 2020.

  2. During the week of 28 September to 4 October, the number of residents testing positive for COVID-19 is up 19% with 549 people, compared to 460 the previous week. The number of contacts remains at a stable high level with 4,619 compared to 4,666 contacts (-1%) the previous week.

  3. At the end of the half-yearly meeting of the Trade and Investment Board, the Minister of the Economy and the President of the Chamber of Commerce presented the recent initiatives that have been taken, particularly in the context of the pandemic, to support Luxembourg companies in their efforts to internationalise with the opening of a Luxembourg Trade & Investment Office (LTIO) in Casablanca.

  4. En date du 6 octobre, près d’une centaine d’organisations luxembourgeoises ont célébré la diversité et l’inclusion lors de la 6e édition du Diversity Day. Événement international, cette journée de la diversité invite les acteurs de tous horizons à lancer des initiatives pour illustrer leur engagement en faveur de la diversité au travers d’actions ponctuelles et ludiques.

  5. During the week of 21 to 27 September, the number of residents testing positive for COVID-19 decreased by 32%, with 460 people compared to 672 the previous week. This trend is also reflected by the number of contacts, with 4,670 contacts compared to 5,441 (-14%) contacts in the same period.

  6. During the week of 14 to 20 September, there has been a high increase in the number of residents testing positive for COVID-19 with 672 people compared to 282 in the previous week. The number of contacts has increased by 152% with 5,441 contacts compared to 2,163 in the previous week.

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