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  • 1647 result(s)
  1. At a key moment for Euro-Atlantic security, Minister of Defence, François Bausch, took part in the North Atlantic Council (NAC) meeting at Defence Minister level, which took place in Brussels on 14 and 15 February.

  2. In their new report "Resilient and Robust: Climate-Proofing the Military for Increased Military Effectiveness", funded by Luxembourg's Directorate of Defence, experts of the The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies have studied a number of dual-use climate proof technologies helping armed forces to become more resilient against the impacts of climate change and more robust in terms of military effec

  3. Since 2022, it has become easier and faster to file a tax return with the new assistant. 70% of the 300,000 natural person taxpayers could already potentially take advantage of this new tool for their tax return in 2021.

  4. On 10 March 2023, the Ministry of Consumer Protection, together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development, will organise a conference on the subject of food: "What will we eat tomorrow? The challenges of food production in the face of consumption in transition".

  5. During the Autofestival, officers from the Ministry of Consumer Protection carried out controls on car dealers throughout the country.

  6. Following the triggering of the index bracket, confirmed by the publication of the index results for January 2023, and the monthly meeting of the Index Commission on 10 February 2023, the social parameters were adjusted with effect from 1 February 2023.

  7. Prime Minister, Minister of State Xavier Bettel attended the Special European Council in Brussels on 9th and 10th February. The main items on the agenda included Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, the economic situation at EU level, as well as aspects of European migration policy.

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