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Luxembourg expert deployed through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) in Turkey
Following Turkey's request for assistance through the European Union's Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), which allows the European Commission to coordinate the deployment of relief teams and the delivery of essential supplies to assist the Turkish and Syrian civilian population, Minister for Home Affairs Taina Bofferding confirms that a logistics expert has been selected to support the European assistance efforts in Turkey in the earthquake zone.
In a spirit of European solidarity, this expert joins Luxembourg's assistance, which has already sent two members of the Humanitarian Intervention Team (HIT) of the Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Service (CGDIS) to the disaster area.
By sending a logistics expert, Luxembourg is contributing to the European effort to help the victims by assisting the European Union in the management and logistical coordination of teams, aid and goods sent to Turkey.
The Department of Civil Security of the Ministry of Home Affairs, in collaboration with the CGDIS, coordinates the request for assistance and the related response through 112, the direct contact of the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC), the system through which requests for assistance through the European Union's Civil Protection Mechanism are submitted.
Press release by the Ministry of Home Affairs / Department of Civil Security / Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Service (CGDIS)
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