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  • 88 result(s)
  1. Les lois portant création ou organisation des établissements publics de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche publique disposent que les relations entre l’État et ces institutions sont régies par des conventions pluriannuelles, d’une durée de quatre ans, qui déterminent les...

  2. The General Development Plan (PAG) is a set of graphic and written regulations completing each other, and covering the entire municipal territory, which they divide into various zones to regulate land use.

  3. On 8 March 2023, the Luxembourg Women in Finance Charter was launched to improve gender diversity in the Luxembourg financial centre.

  4. European calls for projects On this page, we provide information on European calls for projects relating to the European funding programs monitored by

  5. The consumers have the right to refuse every type of door to door selling at their home.

  6. To find out if you meet the requirements to apply for Luxembourgish nationality, please consult this link. If you wish to acquire Luxemburgish

  7. In order to reinforce governance in the field of disaster risk reduction (DRR), the Minister of Home Affairs has established a national platform. This is part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, and more precisely of the Sendai Framework, which aims to achieve an essential reduction of disaster risks.

  8. Mayors, aldermen and council members are entitled to political leave for the hours of work devoted to the exercise of their political mandate. The right to political leave is based on articles 78 to 81 of the amended municipal law of December 13, 1988.

  9. In recent years, thanks to developments in the housing market and the quest for more sustainable lifestyles, we have seen the emergence of a type of housing hitherto unheard of in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: “Tiny Houses”.

  10. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a unitary country with only one level of territorial decentralisation - the communes are the only decentralised territorial authorities and play an essential role in local political, economic, social and cultural life. They must constantly adapt to the challenges of modern society.

  11. The voters of the commune directly elect the members of the Municipal Council every six years. Each municipality has a Municipal Council from which the College of Mayor and Aldermen, the executive body of the commune, generates.

  12. The current land tax in Luxembourg dates back to the 1930s. Its reform has been part of the political discussion for years. The reform of the land tax is a key element of the package of measures to combat the increasing housing shortage in Luxembourg, which the government has presented together with the introduction of a tax on the mobilisation of land and a tax on the non-occupation of housing.

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