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  • 88 result(s)

Editor's choice

  1. This dossier covers the rights of passengers travelling by air, rail, bus and sea.

  2. Alerting the population is an essential tool to allow citizens to prepare themselves for an event, unpredictable or not, and to take the useful and necessary precautions to safeguard people and property.

  3. Sustainable finance is the integration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects into business and investment decisions in order to move beyond an analysis of purely financial aspects.

  4. Financial sanctions are restrictive measures in financial matters taken against countries, natural and legal persons, entities or groups in order to bring about a change in the policy (domestic and foreign) or conduct of those targeted. The Ministry of Finance is the competent authority for all matters relating to the implementation of financial restrictive measures.

  5. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom was applied provisionally as of January 1, 2021 and entered into force on May 1, 2021.

  6. Le système de l’enseignement supérieur au Luxembourg - Liste des formations d'enseignement supérieur reconnues - Contact Service Accréditation:

  7. The Ministry for Digitalisation launched the first Data4Gov call for projects in 2023 to financially support and mentor data-centric public sector projects.

  8. The Luxembourg State has set up a GovTech Lab combining GovTech and open innovation in order to accelerate the development and further improvement of digital public services.

  9. The Digital Decade policy programme (also known as the “Digital Decade”), which entered into force on January 9, 2023, is a monitoring and cooperation

  10. Les lois portant création ou organisation des établissements publics de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche publique disposent que les relations entre l’État et ces institutions sont régies par des conventions pluriannuelles, d’une durée de quatre ans, qui déterminent les...

  11. The General Development Plan (PAG) is a set of graphic and written regulations completing each other, and covering the entire municipal territory, which they divide into various zones to regulate land use.

  12. On 8 March 2023, the Luxembourg Women in Finance Charter was launched to improve gender diversity in the Luxembourg financial centre.

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