
From 15 November 2024, Building A of the multifunctional emergency structure at Findel will once again be used to accommodate WAK beneficiaries during the coldest winter months until 15 April 2024.
Since1 January 2021, the WAK has been organised by Dräieck a.s.b.l, which brings together the Luxembourg Red Cross, Hëllef um Terrain and Inter-Actions, in collaboration with the Ministry for the Family, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees. Its aim is to provide temporary accommodation, meals, access to health facilities and certain services to homeless adults living in Luxembourg.

Toute personne désirant bénéficier de la WAK doit pouvoir justifier d’une présence sur le territoire luxembourgeois d’un nombre minimal de mois. Les personnes nouvellement arrivées sur le territoire luxembourgeois seront accueillies pour 3 jours et 3 nuits. En période de grand froid, un accueil inconditionnel est garanti afin d’éviter que des personnes adultes en situation de sans-abrisme ne décèdent d’hypothermie au Luxembourg.

"It is fundamental for the WAK to be able to fulfil its primary mission: to welcome homeless people living in Luxembourg. This is the goal pursued by all the staff of the three organisations - the Red Cross, Hëllef um Terrain and Inter-Actions - working together within the Draieck asbl. Together, they put all their skills, expertise and commitment at the service of the most vulnerable, to ensure that no one in Luxembourg freezes to death,’ says Edvard SKRIJELJ, President of the Draieck asbl.

Action on the spot

Teams of professionals on the ground take turns 7 days a week during the winter months to guarantee access to showers, hygiene products and a hot meal, and to offer a place to rest, socio-educational activities, an emergency cloakroom and a social monitoring and guidance service, depending on the needs.

This year, 23 experienced professionals in the field, accompanied by our trainees, volunteers and voluntary workers, will be responsible for welcoming people in need of shelter for the duration of the Winter Action’, explains Faiane NASCIMENTO, head of management at Dräieck a .s.b.l..

Field coordination is open from 11.30am to 4pm to register beneficiaries. The team is also on hand between 7pm and 9.30pm to organise individual social monitoring, refer people to specialist services if necessary and plan nursing care. During the 2023/2024 edition of the WAK, 492 social files were opened and then closed, a permanent solution having been found for the people concerned.

At the Day Centre, which is open from 12 noon to 4pm, a hot meal, a place to rest and an emergency cloakroom are provided, and socio-educational activities useful in terms of social inclusion and integration are organised. Last season, almost 1,040 items of clothing were distributed to 312 different beneficiaries. 20,739 midday meals were served to 1,534 different beneficiaries.

The Night Shelter team opens the doors from 7pm to 11pm, welcomes beneficiaries for overnight accommodation, organises evening snacks and breakfast, distributes personal hygiene equipment, ensures access to showers and offers guidance. As part of the 2023/2024 edition of the WAK, 74,804 breakfasts and dinners were served to 2,218 different beneficiaries over 157 nights.

Committed volunteers mobilised throughout Wanteraktioun

Dräieck a.s.b.l.'s team of volunteers also plays a very important role. Their mobilisation alongside the professionals in the field is one of the conditions that guarantee the smooth running of the WAK. The friendly, welcoming atmosphere that volunteers help to create through their dynamism and motivation also benefits those in need. 110 active volunteers put in more than 5,986 hours during last year's WAK.

To contact the field teams: Joao MARTINS Tel: (+352) 621 148 508

To contact the associative team Faiane NASCIMENTO Tel: (+325) 621 598 341

To become a volunteer : Stéphanie NEFF Tel: (+352) 621 822 813


Funded and supported by: the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees