First meeting of the new Conseil supérieur du vivre-ensemble interculturel

Following the election and composition of the new Conseil supérieur du vivre-ensemble interculturel, the elected full and substitute members of the municipal commissions as well as the full members, substitute members and experts representing the State and civil society appointed by the Minister for Family Affairs met for an initial information meeting on 15 July 2024. The aim of this preliminary meeting was to set out and organise the work and operation of the Conseil supérieur du vivre-ensemble interculturel in the future. 

©MFSVA Photo de groupe
Photo de groupe

The meeting was opened with a welcome speech by the Minister for Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees, Max Hahn, who emphasised the important role of this new council, which replaces the former National Council for Foreigners (CNE), in contributing to better living-together for all people living and working in Luxembourg.

At the information meeting, the President of the Conseil supérieur, Anne Daems, presented the law on intercultural living together and a future framework for collaboration to the members and experts. It was also an opportunity for members to get to know each other and exchange views for the first time.

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