Martine Hansen awards prizes for sustainable food system solutions

In the context of the "NoA" project call, Infino asbl rewards 7 innovative student projects.

As part of the "NoA" project call, Infino asbl awarded 7 projects during the ceremony on July 2nd at the Forum of the Geesseknäppchen Campus. The aim of this project call was to encourage young people to explore and implement innovative solutions for a sustainable food system.

Thus, during this ceremony, Martine Hansen, Minister for Consumer Protection and Minister of Agriculture, Food, and Viticulture, presented two awards:

  • The Directorate for Consumer Protection's award was given to the "Lëtz Eat Local" project from École Privée Fieldgen;
  • The Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Viticulture's award was given to a joint project of the Lycée Technique Agricole and the École d’Hôtellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg.
  1. ©Directorate for Consumer Protection

    "NoA" Awards

    "NoA" Awards

    Martine Hansen, Minister for Consumer Protection and Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture (2nd from the right) with the laureates of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Viticulture Award
  2. ©Directorate for Consumer Protection

    "NoA" Awards

    "NoA" Awards

    Martine Hansen, Minister for Consumer Protection and Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture

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