Martine Hansen meets the 5 Luxembourg entities active in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution for consumer affairs

Meeting with the Minister for Consumer Protection on the topic of Alternative Dispute Resolution for consumer affairs.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an alternative to traditional court proceedings, aiming to resolve conflicts more quickly, cost-effectively, and less formally. In this context, Martine Hansen, Minister for Consumer Protection, met with the five Luxembourg entities active in the field of ADR for consumer affairs, as well as the European Consumer Centre Luxembourg in its role as an information point for cross-border and online aspects.

The meeting facilitated an interesting exchange of experiences between the partners, discussions on trends, and updates on the status of negotiations on the revision of the directive on this matter in the Council.

©Directorate for Consumer Protection Martine Hansen meets the 5 Luxembourg entities active in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution for consumer disputes
Martine Hansen meets the 5 Luxembourg entities active in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution for consumer disputes
fltr : André Marmann, Médiateur en assurances ; Karin Basenach, European Consumer Center Luxembourg ; Sophie Steichen, Institut luxembourgeois de régulation ; Sandra Wietor, Institut luxembourgeois de régulation ; Marie Gilmer, Commission luxembourgeoise des litiges de voyages ; Martine Hansen, Minister for Consumer Protection ; Thainá Dantas, Directorate for Consumer Protection ; Gianni Pietrangelo, Commission luxembourgeoise des litiges de voyages ; Benoît Juncker, Commission de surveillance du secteur financier ; Marie-Josée Ries, Directorate for Consumer Protection ; Kelly Mulombe , European Consumer Center Luxembourg ; Claude Fellens, Médiateur de la consommation ; Marc Fischer, Directorate for Consumer Protection

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