First day of Xavier Bettel's working visit to Israel and Palestine

Xavier Bettel, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, is currently on a working visit to Israel and Palestine.

The first day of the working visit was devoted to interviews in Israel. Minister Bettel first visited the Kfar Azza kibbutz, which was brutally attacked by Hamas terrorists on 7 October, and met residents who survived the terrorist attack. Several dozen civilians had been killed or kidnapped on this kibbutz.

"The testimonies we have been able to gather this morning and the images we have seen are deeply disturbing. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can justify the barbaric acts committed by Hamas terrorists against innocent civilians", declared Xavier Bettel in this context, reiterating his call for the immediate release of all hostages held by Hamas.

In Jerusalem, the Minister then had bilateral meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel Katz, and the Speaker of the Knesset, Amir Ohana.

During these discussions, Minister Bettel stressed that every State has the right, and even the obligation, to defend its citizens against terrorist attacks. However, after three months of fighting and thousands of deaths among the civilian population of Gaza, it is becoming increasingly difficult to argue in favour of a defence that would be legitimate and proportional. He reiterated the absolute need for Israel to take reinforced measures to protect the civilian population in Gaza and to ensure the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid to all those in need. Finally, he reiterated his call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, pointing out that previous ceasefires had led to the release of hostages.

The interviews also provided an opportunity for an in-depth exchange of views on the outlook for peace in the Middle East. In this respect, Minister Bettel underlined Luxembourg's commitment to the two-state solution, which is the only way to guarantee a just and lasting peace for all the peoples of the region. It would be a peace that would guarantee Israel's security and prevent attacks like those of 7 October from happening again, while respecting the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.

Minister Bettel will continue his working visit tomorrow in Ramallah, Palestine.

Press release by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defense, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade