Ministers Dieschbourg, Fayot and Turmes presented the national strategy to promote and develop the circular economy in Luxembourg

At a press conference on February 8, 2021, the Minister of the Economy, Franz Fayot, the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, Carole Dieschbourg, and the Minister for Energy, Claude Turmes, presented the national "Circular Economy" strategy. 

In a circular economy, the production and exchange of goods and services and the creation of socio-economic value are based on the circular management of stocks and flows of materials, taking into account the limits and regenerative capacities of our planet. It is therefore essential to provide a common vision of the implementation of the circular economy in Luxembourg and practical guidance to citizens, companies, municipalities and public authorities.

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Faced with crucial challenges related to the availability and distribution of resources, but above all with the adverse social and environmental impacts of our current production and consumption patterns, the strategy was developed jointly by four ministries, namely the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning, the Ministry of the Economy, the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Finance.

During the presentation, the Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot stated: "Since the first study carried out in 2014, the Ministry of the Economy has recognised the potential of the circular economy for Luxembourg and the opportunities it represents for companies. In the meantime, many initiatives have been launched and the circular economy has become a government priority. The aim of the strategy and its planned actions is twofold: on the one hand, to accelerate the deployment of the circular economy at national and regional level, and on the other hand, to position Luxembourg as a centre of competence and an international leader in this field. "

The strategy contributes to the implementation of the government programme 2018-2023, which refers to the circular economy on a recurring basis.

For Carole Dieschbourg, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, the circular economy is an essential link in the sustainable development value chain: "The growth of the circular economy is a necessary condition for the success of our national strategic efforts, whether in terms of the fight against the climate crisis, the protection of resources or sustainable finance. "

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For Energy Minister Claude Turmes: "The national strategy will make it possible to make our society more sustainable by rethinking our entire economy from A to Z. The key sectors for the Luxembourg economy will be provided with a toolbox to federate public and private players and to translate the vision into concrete projects. "

The strategy has three major elements:

1. it identifies methods and tools at the level of three key gouvernment action levers to stimulate innovation, which are regulation and standards, financial aspects (e.g. incentives in the form of subsidies,…) and knowledge management with education, training and public research strands, but also digitalisation and support through information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly for data management;

2. it proposes a methodology to activate processes and tools in a number of key economic sectors through concrete projects that are steered by public actors, but carried out in co-creation with the main stakeholders;

3. it provides for a mechanism for close and continuous consultation between the responsible ministries as well as communication tools for all stakeholders and project owners.

Membre du gouvernement

  • FAYOT Franz
  • TURMES Claude


Date de l'événement
