Temporary reopening of the vaccination centres in Ettelbruck and Esch/Belval

In order to offer all those who have not yet been vaccinated against the coronavirus an additional opportunity to have their vaccination without too many administrative formalities, the government has decided to exceptionally reopen the two vaccination centres in Ettelbruck and Esch/Belval from 16 October to 16 December 2021.

In line with the vaccination centre Hall Victor Hugo in Luxembourg-Limpertsberg, it will also be possible to get vaccinated spontaneously, i.e. without prior appointment, at the two centres, which will be open from 16 October at the following times

  • Monday: 1pm to 7pm
  • Tuesday to Friday: 7am to 7pm
  • Saturday: 7am to 1pm

To avoid any waiting time, you can also make an appointment by indicating your national identification number (matricule) on the website www.impfen.lu. The 2nd appointment will be communicated upon the first visit to the vaccination centre.

For those vaccinated before 16 November, the 2nd dose will be administered after a 4-week interval at the same vaccination centre. Those who receive their first dose after 16 November can go either to the vaccination centre Hall Victor Hugo or to one of the medical offices participating in the vaccination campaign (see list on https://covid19.public.lu/en/vaccination/book-appointment.html).

Vaccination centre Esch/Belval:

Maison des matérieux/Bâtiment Nord

30, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux

L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

Vaccination centre Ettelbruck:

Sports Hall CHNP

Rue du Deich

L-9012 Ettelbruck

Please note that the upcoming dates of the "Impf-Bus on tour" can be viewed at www.covidvaccination.lu.

Press release by the Ministry of Health

Event date

16.10.2021 - 16.12.2021