The national Crisis Cell has activated phase 3 of the hospital surge plan

Due to the rising number of COVID-19 patients being treated in the normal and intensive care units of the national hospitals, the Crisis Cell has decided to activate phase 3 of the hospital surge plan.

Phase 3 corresponds to significant occupancy of intensive care and reanimation beds by patients with COVID-19 and involves deprogramming of some scheduled surgical procedures.

The four hospitals (CHL, Chem, CHdN and HRS) strive to optimise their planning of elective surgery as much as possible, but cannot avoid deprogramming or postponing certain scheduled operations that do not have a direct impact on the patient's health.

The prioritisation of patients for surgery is managed by mutual agreement between the physicians and surgeons of each establishment according to the surgical indications. Urgent and important interventions will be maintained in all circumstances.

Press release by the Ministry of Health / Fédération des hôpitaux luxembourgeois (FHL)

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