The national education system welcomes Ukrainian pupils

The war situation in Ukraine is forcing many people to leave their country for safety. Like the other European countries, Luxembourg grants them the so-called "temporary international protection status".

Providing access to education for Ukrainian refugee children and young people is a legal obligation. It is also and foremost a moral duty for all actors of the Luxembourg school community. 

Luxembourg already has extensive experience in welcoming newly arrived pupils. The Ministry of Education, Children and Youth is now doing its utmost to cope with this unprecedented increase in the number of newcomers and to offer schooling adapted to the diversity of Ukrainian pupils' profiles. 

In contrast to previous waves of refugee arrivals, most recently in 2015, the national education system now has international schools that allow for more flexible language provision, e.g. with English-speaking sections. The main focus of the education provision for Ukrainian refugee pupils will be on international public schools.

A single point of contact for the orientation of Ukrainian pupils

The Service de scolarisation des enfants étrangers (SECAM) of the Ministry of Education has set up a single point of contact for families from Ukraine.

Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse , MENEJ)
Service de la scolarisation des enfants étrangers (SECAM)
38, rue Philippe II; L-2340 Luxembourg
English hotline: (+352) 247-76570 / Ukrainian: (+352) 247-76976
Monday to Friday 8am to 12pm and 1pm to 5pm

After an initial meeting with the families and children, the SECAM suggests one or more options to help ensure that each child receives a suitable schooling within a short time. The final choice between the possible options lies with the parents.

Children and young people are welcomed to school as soon as the immigration procedures provided by the Immigration Directorate and the Ministry of Health are completed.

Parents who have contacted the local authorities or the secondary schools directly are invited to contact the Service de la scolarisation des enfants étrangers (SECAM) for guidance. 

Priority given to the international English-language system

International public schools

School provision for Ukrainian refugee children and young people is mainly organised by six international public schools. 

These schools set up English-speaking reception classes specifically for Ukrainian pupils. English was the obvious choice, as Ukrainian pupils learn it from the third year of school.

In a second phase, once the children are ready, they can join a regular international class. Depending on the age of the pupils and their progress in learning, a second language will be added, either German or French. 

In exceptional cases, pupils who have the appropriate level may join a regular international class directly. To this end, additional school places have been created in existing classes in international schools. 

New school classes will be opened in the six international schools as well as in other school facilities in the region ( secondary and primary schools). Classes in the branches will also be run by the international schools.

International public schools involved in the organisation

Branches launched in the first stage

Centre 1 - Lycée Michel-Lucius

École Adam Roberti

Centre 2 - École internationale Mersch Anne Beffort

Lycée classique Diekirch

École Redange/Attert

École Diekirch

South 1 - École internationale Differdange & Esch-sur-Alzette

Lycée de garçons Esch-sur-Alzette

École Schifflange

South 2 - École internationale de Mondorf-les-Bains

École Kayl

East - Lënster Lycée International School

Lycée classique d’Echternach

École Sandweiler

École Schuttrange

École Niederanven

North - Lycée Edward Steichen Clervaux

Lycée du Nord Wiltz

Site Weicherdange

École Weiswampach

École Harlange

Municipal schools

Depending on needs and demand, Ukrainian children may also be admitted to local municipal schools. They will attend induction courses in German or French. 

For children of pre-school age (3-5 years, cycle 1 of the Luxembourg primary school), parents will be offered the possibility to register their children at a primary school in their commune of residence. 

Education and Care Services (SEA, Services d'éducation et d'accueil)

Extra-curricular care for young children and children in cycle 1 will be provided by childcare facilities in the child's local area.

Extra-curricular care for primary school children will be provided - as far as possible - by the childcare facilities in or near the relevant schools welcoming the Ukrainian children. 

Additional recruitment of teaching staff

The recruitment of additional English-speaking teaching staff for international schools is underway. 

In order to strengthen the care of refugee children, people of Ukrainian origin or Ukrainian speakers with different backgrounds are being recruited. They may intervene in the lesson under the direction of the teacher to assist the children, e.g. by providing translations or explanations in Ukrainian. A call is made for people with experience in the educational field. They can send their application and a short CV to

Press release by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth

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