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Expo 2025 Osaka: Luxembourg signs contract for construction of national pavilion
On 15 September 2023, the economic interest group (GIE) Luxembourg@Expo2025Osaka signed a contract with the Japanese general construction company Naito House Co, Ltd to build the Luxembourg Pavilion (Type A, self-build pavilion) at the Expo 2025 Osaka World Exhibition, which will take place from 13 April to 13 October 2025 and whose theme will be "Designing Future Society for Our Lives". With less than 600 days to go until the official opening of the World Expo on the artificial island of Yumeshima in Osaka Bay, the signing of this contract is an important step in preparing Luxembourg's participation in Expo 2025 Osaka.
Luxembourg@Expo2025Osaka GIE is an economic interest group set up by the Luxembourg State and the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce to plan, build, operate and dismantle the Luxembourg Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka.
Founded in 1969 and based in Yamanashi Prefecture, Naito House Co, Ltd is a Japanese company specialising in the construction of prefabricated and module buildings, as well as drive-in multi stories car parks. The company has a network of thirteen representative offices in Japan. Naito House's experience in the development and construction of prefabricated module buildings will be a valuable asset for achieving Luxembourg's goal to build a pavilion that responds to the criteria of the circular economy.
Commenting on the signing of the contract between GIE and Naito House, Minister of the Economy, Franz Fayot, said: "Given the highly complex situation in the Japanese construction sector, the signing of this contract means that the construction of our pavilion is now secure. With Naito House, Luxembourg will be able to rely on a trustful Japanese company to build the pavilion designed by our architects and engineers."
Following the signing of the construction contract, André Hansen, Commissioner General for the Luxembourg Pavilion, pointed out that Luxembourg has filed for the building permit to Osaka City Hall, which puts it among the most advanced countries in terms of preparations for the participation in the World Expo.
About the Luxembourg Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka
In February 2022, the Ministry of the Economy launched a call for proposals for architects and scenographers. 12 projects in total were submitted in that regard, and in June 2022, an expert jury selected the work of Luxembourg architects Steinmetzdemeyer and scenographers Jangled Nerves as the winning project. The Luxembourg Pavilion will have a steel construction with a roof membrane designed according to the principles of the circular economy. After Expo 2025, the aim is to reuse as many pavilion components as possible, in accordance with the Grand Duchy's vision for sustainability and circularity. The theme selected for the pavilion is "Doki Doki − The Luxembourg Heartbeat": "Doki Doki", the spirited Japanese expression for the excited and joyful heartbeat, will pulse like a red thread of the visitor's experience in the Luxembourg Pavilion. At the World Expo in Osaka, the Luxembourg Pavilion is positioned under the sub-theme "Connecting lives" and that is what it aims to achieve: connect the visitors of the Expo with the people in Luxembourg and connect Japan with the Grand Duchy.
Press release by the Ministry of the Economy