First day of Xavier Bettel's working visit to Japan

On the occasion of his working visit to Japan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Xavier Bettel, travelled to Osaka to take part in a ceremony marking the launch of construction work on the Luxembourg pavilion for the 2025 World Expo.

The theme of World Expo 2025 in Osaka will be "Designing Future Society for Our Lives". The main theme and sub-themes ("Saving Lives"; "Inspiring Lives"; "Connecting Lives") are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN to create an inclusive, just and sustainable society.

The Luxembourg pavilion, designed by the Luxembourg architecture firm Steinmetzdemeyer, is based on the theme "Doki Doki - The Luxembourg Heartbeat", the Japanese expression for an enthusiastic, joyful heartbeat, which forms the common thread running through the visitor's experience of the Luxembourg pavilion.

Minister Bettel was particularly pleased that the Luxembourg pavilion has been designed according to the principles of circularity: "The circular nature of the pavilion and the importance of responsible management that respects natural resources are among the main messages conveyed by Luxembourg's participation in the Expo. What's more, the pavilion will have to be built in such a way that if it is dismantled after Expo, some of the building materials can be reused," he pointed out.

Minister Bettel stressed that Luxembourg's participation in the World Expo would further deepen bilateral relations between Japan and Luxembourg, noting in this context that Luxembourg was among the first participating countries to organise a ceremony to launch the works. Luxembourg's participation in the 2025 Expo will mark the 25th time that Luxembourg has participated in a World Expo.

Minister Bettel will continue his working visit tomorrow in Tokyo, where he will hold bilateral talks with members of the Japanese government.

Press release by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade