Smoke detectors save lives! The Ministry of Home Affairs recalls that installation is compulsory

"Smoke detectors save lives!"

One year after the law came into force requiring home residents to install smoke detectors in escape routes and bedrooms[1], Minister for Home Affairs Léon Gloden reminds us of its vital importance: "This technical tool makes it easy to detect a potential fire as early as possible. It's within everyone's reach, providing warning and protection".

Smoke detectors are particularly important in the event of a fire during the night. The smoke doesn't wake victims, but has the opposite effect, causing smoke poisoning. On average, one person dies every year in Luxembourg as a result of smoke poisoning.

Since 1 January 2023, smoke detectors have been compulsory in all buildings with at least one dwelling. To ensure they work properly, it's important to check them regularly and replace the batteries if necessary.

More details on smoke detectors and how to install them are available at

Press release by the Ministry of Home Affairs



[1] Act of 6 December 2019 on the compulsory installation of autonomous smoke detectors for buildings comprising at least one dwelling and amending the amended Act of 27 July 1997 on insurance contracts.

Member of the Government