Antigaspi'' campaign: the Antigaspi exhibition, a tool for raising awareness of food waste

One of the priorities of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture is to raise public awareness of the problem of food waste and provide information on the best ways to reduce food waste. That's why the Ministry is renewing its "Antigaspi - 8 golden rules for wasting less food" campaign, which this year focuses on rule no. 4: how to store food properly in the fridge so that it keeps for as long as possible. In the same context, throughout the year, the Ministry is making the "Antigaspi" travelling exhibition available free of charge to interested local authorities, schools and associations.

The "Antigaspi" exhibition focuses on the 8 golden rules, setting out the origins and consequences of food waste and suggesting ways of avoiding it. In practical terms, the exhibition route is made up of a number of stations relating to food and reducing food waste: menu planning, sensible food purchasing, proper storage, correct interpretation of use-by dates and creative re-use of leftovers in the kitchen.

This interactive exhibition is aimed primarily at primary school pupils in cycles 3 and 4, as it is a fun educational tool for teachers and accompanying staff. However, it is also available to associations and companies involved in anti-food waste awareness.

The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture, Martine Hansen, points out; "Wasting food is like throwing money in the bin. It's a drain on consumers' wallets, a waste of resources and time for the farmers who produce quality food, and of course a moral issue. However, based on the studies we have carried out among households, we know that behind this waste often lies a simple lack of information about the right things to do on a daily basis to avoid it. Our aim is therefore to inform the young consumers of tomorrow through the 'Antigaspi' exhibition and to motivate young people to adopt an 'Antigaspi' attitude. The local authorities and basic schools that book our exhibition are important partners for us.

The 'Antigaspi' exhibition that is on tour is part of the awareness-raising strategy against food waste that the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture launched in 2016.

For more information on how to prevent food waste, visit

Enquiries/reservations for the "Antigaspi" exhibition at

Press release from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture