Yuriko Backes at the United Nations

Yuriko Backes, Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity, attended the 68th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York from 10 to 13 March 2024.

During the general debate, which focused on the fight against poverty, institution-building and financing from a gender equality perspective, Yuriko Backes stressed that "the gender perspective is not a luxury, but a necessity. It is essential in all areas, particularly in the fight against poverty. Since women are often the most vulnerable to extreme poverty, it is crucial to guarantee them access to education, a life free from violence and discrimination, and economic independence. What's more, their active participation in decision-making is essential if we are to make progress towards gender equality".

The Minister spoke on behalf of the Benelux countries during an open debate of the Security Council on "Peacebuilding and peacekeeping: Promoting conflict prevention – Empowering all actors, including women and youth", organised by Japan. In the common position, she emphasised that "Conflict prevention can only succeed if we recognise the importance of the influence of gender norms and gender inequalities on our societies as a whole. We need to bring in gender as a category of analysis and use early warning and conflict resolution strategies led or informed by women."

While attending the CSW, Yuriko Backes took part in a range of events and meetings, including discussion forums, thematic sessions and bilateral meetings with several of her counterparts. The aim was to promote discussions on gender equality and diversity, while strengthening partnerships and encouraging new collaborative initiatives.

The Minister met the Deputy Executive Director of UN Women, Kirsi Madi. Their discussions focused on the challenges of combating all forms of gender-based violence, the links between women, peace and security, and the importance of gender equality for sustainable economic development. They also highlighted Luxembourg's active role in promoting gender-focused finance, noting in particular UN Women's important collaboration with the Luxembourg Stock Exchange in developing standards for gender-focused bonds.

The importance of the financial sector and gender-focused financing were also discussed at a ministerial round table focusing on good practice in strengthening institutions and maximising financing to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

Speaking at a ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends on the elimination of violence against women and girls, Yuriko Backes announced that, for the first time, Luxembourg would be drawing up a national action plan to combat all forms of gender-based violence. This national strategy will make it possible to combat this scourge of violence in a more systemic and sustainable way, in particular by stepping up prevention efforts. In addition, it will provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and best practice with other countries, fostering effective international collaboration in the fight against violence.

The Minister also gave the opening speech at a seminar co-organised by Luxembourg, Colombia, Canada and the Center for Reproductive Rights, on the impact of criminalising access to abortions on poverty. At the round table, which attracted a great deal of interest, Yuriko Backes stressed the need for women to have access to affordable and safe abortions. She highlighted the increased risks of insecurity for women deprived of this access, highlighting the devastating repercussions on their access to education, their integration into the labour market and their economic independence.

To conclude, Yuriko Backes attended a UNAIDS event on the "Education Plus Initiative", co-funded by Luxembourg and focusing on girls' education with a view to eradicating HIV. The speakers reiterated the crucial role played by education in empowering girls and women.

The CSW is the world's largest intergovernmental body dedicated exclusively to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. The 68th session was chaired by the Philippines.

Press release by the Ministry for Gender Equality and Diversity