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    Le format de date attendu comprend le jour (sur deux chiffres) suivi du mois (sur deux chiffres) suivi de l'année (sur quatre chiffres) : chacune de ces valeurs est séparée par un tiret.

  • 1677 result(s)
  1. For the week of 4 to 10 October, the number of people testing positive for COVID-19 has increased from 591 to 675 cases (+14%), as well as the number of their identified close contacts, which increased to 3,540, compared to 2,827 cases the week before (+25%).

  2. In order to promote exchanges between professionals in the sector, in particular on the specific needs of children suffering from a food allergy, the Government's Office for Quality, Fraud and Food Safety took advantage of the start of the 2021 school year to organize a conference on the issue of food allergies in the children's sector.

  3. On 12 October 2021, the Prime Minister, Minister of State, Xavier Bettel pronounced the government's declaration on the economic, social and financial situation of the country in 2021 before the Chamber of Deputies.

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