The Ministry of Home Affairs and SYVICOL organise the distribution of masks to the population

On Wednesday 15 April, a consultation meeting was held between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Association of Luxembourg Towns and Municipalities (Syndicat des villes et communes luxembourgeoises - SYVICOL) in order to organise the distribution of surgical masks to the entire population and to the services of municipalities and similar entities. 

The Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (Corps Grand-Ducal d'incendie et de secours - CGDIS) is in charge of the delivery of the masks to the communal sector, while the distribution to the population will be carried out by the 102 municipalities and will start next week.  

Citizens will be informed of the means and time of distribution by their respective municipality.

The Minister for Home Affairs, Taina Bofferding, welcomes the constructive approach of SYVICOL and the municipalities to support the government's efforts.

The President of SYVICOL, Emile Eicher, expressed his appreciation of this approach, which is perfectly in line with SYVICOL's view that the responsibility for making protective equipment available to the population lies in this first phase with the government.


Press release by the Ministry of Home Affairs

Member of the Government



Ministry of Home Affairs

Event date
