COVID-19 vaccination: booster dose after primary vaccination for persons aged 65 years and older and for health professionals

Following the recommendations of the High Council for Infectious Diseases (Conseil supérieur des maladies infectieuses – CSMI) of 8 November 2021, a booster dose of coronavirus vaccination may be administered:

  • to people aged 65 and over, regardless of their residence (accommodation structure or at home)
  • health professionals
  • medical and dental assistants

This booster dose is intended to maintain a high level of vaccine protection for the individuals concerned to prevent infection, severe forms of the disease and death. For health professionals, the CSMI considers that a booster vaccination may be offered in order to reduce the risk of transmission to vulnerable people and to limit the risk of a shortage of health care personnel.

The booster is administered at least 6 months after a complete primary vaccination, i.e. at least 6 months after the last dose of the initial full vaccination. The vaccine used for the booster is an mRNA vaccine, regardless of the vaccine given in the primary vaccination. When an mRNA vaccine was used for the primary vaccination, the same product is used for the booster.

At this stage, the CSMI does not recommend a booster vaccination for people under 65 years of age, nor for people at risk due to a pre-existing health condition.

For immunocompromised people, organ transplant beneficiaries and patients undergoing renal dialysis, the primary vaccination includes an additional dose (scheduled at 0, 4 and 12 weeks, see the recommendation of 2 July 2021), but a booster is not indicated.

Booking an appointment

The following people will receive an invitation for vaccination from the Luxembourg Government by post, with detailed instructions on how to book an appointment at one of the 3 vaccination centres or with their physician:

  • people over 65 years of age
  • health professionals

Medical and dental assistants in contact with patients will have to be registered (by the physician they assist) on the dedicated web page on MyGuichet. The concerned physicians will be informed of the procedure by the Director of Health.

The list of physicians participating in the vaccination campaign is available at

Personalised assistance is also offered through a hotline specifically set up for this purpose under the number (+352) 247-65533.

Press release by the Ministry of State / Ministry of Health

Event date
