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Esch2022: Sam Tanson received the French, Greek and Lithuanian Ministers of Culture
At the invitation of minister for Culture Sam Tanson, a number of delegations present in Luxembourg for the meeting of the Council of the European Union of ministers for Culture took the opportunity to visit Esch-Belval in the context of the European Capital of Culture, Esch2022.
Sam Tanson welcomed the ministers for Culture from France, Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, Greece, Lina Mendoni, and Lithuania, Simonas Kairys, and the guests had the opportunity to learn more about the idea and general concept of the Esch2022 'Remix' during a presentation. They then took part in a guided tour of the current exhibitions at the Möllerei and the Massenoire, which deal with culturally relevant topics related to the construction, deconstruction and reconstruction of identities in Europe and the Minett.
Press release by the Ministry of Culture