Symposium e-invoicing: Making the Transition to Electronic Invoicing a Success

On 21 February 2023, Marc Hansen, Minister Delegate for Digitalisation, took part in the "e-invoicing Symposium". This event dedicated to electronic invoicing was organised by the Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Ministry for Digitalisation and the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts. During this day, more than 500 participants came to learn more about e-invoicing in Luxembourg.

The symposium took place a few weeks before a key date. On 18 March, electronic invoicing will enter its third and final phase and will also apply to small and newly established businesses. As a reminder, since 18 May 2022, the obligation to issue and transmit electronic invoices already applies to large economic operators. Medium-sized companies have been required to issue electronic invoices since 18 October 2023.

As of 18 March 2023, all services performed on behalf of a public sector organisation will be subject to electronic invoicing, regardless of the size of the company or organisation and the amount of the invoice.

In his introduction, Marc Hansen, Minister Delegate for Digitalisation, spoke about the legal context of electronic invoicing, but above all about the benefits for all parties involved: increased automation of invoice creation, transmission and handling processes, increased speed and efficiency, reduced costs, etc.

Since the introduction of the obligation for large and medium-sized companies, more than 120,000 electronic invoices have already been sent via Peppol or via the e-invoicing forms offered on In this context, Marc Hansen recalled that the alternative solution proposed by is a solution specifically adapted to companies that rarely issue invoices to the public sector.

For the Minister Delegate for Digitalisation, the introduction of e-invoicing is a major challenge for the various stakeholders and will require a major adaptation of working methods. However, he remains convinced that once these investments are made and the new work processes are well implemented and tested, the return on investment will be largely positive. Both the private and the public sector will be able to work more efficiently and automate tasks that are currently time and money consuming.

In order to facilitate the transition to e-invoicing, the three partners, i.e. the Ministry for Digitalisation, the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Trade, have intensified their awareness-raising and communication activities with businesses since 2021. These activities included conferences, workshops and webinars, newsletters, training courses or advice and coaching from the "eFacturation" helpdesks. A practical guide to e-invoicing has also been published. Finally, the web portal has been launched, containing all the resources and information available on the subject.

Marc Hansen also thanked the Chamber of Commerce for organising the symposium. He also highlighted the excellent cooperation between the Ministry, the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts in disseminating information and organising various events to raise awareness of e-invoicing among businesses.

He concluded by pointing out that each new step in the digitisation of processes is usually met with scepticism by those involved, but that it is necessary to move forward in order not to be overtaken by events. "We have to take it one step at a time. Electronic invoicing is a small link in a long chain. Digitalisation is a challenge we must face together".

Carlo Thelen, Director General of the Chamber of Commerce, underlined the challenge of implementing e-invoicing in such a short time, especially for the many small businesses, but added: "Through the many exchanges with businesses, our teams have received a lot of encouraging feedback. In particular, many companies have used the move to electronic invoicing to accelerate their digitalisation in general". Companies that need help or encounter difficulties can call on the House of Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce [ / tel: (+352) 42 39 39-840] to receive support throughout the transition process.

Press release by the Ministry for Digitalisation/ the Chamber of Commerce/ the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts

Member of the Government


Event date
