1st signing ceremony for the "Gemengepakt vum interkulturellen Zesummeliewen" with 13 municipalities

On Wednesday 27 March 2024, the first signing ceremony for the "Gemengepakt" (municipal pact for intercultural living together) was held at the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees. 

The municipalities of Bettembourg, Differdange, Hesperange, Junglinster, Kehlen, Leudelange, Niederanven, Roeser, Sanem, Schuttrange, Steinfort, Strassen and Wiltz signed the "Gemengepakt" with the minister for Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees, Max Hahn, in the presence of SYVICOL vice-president Serge Hoffmann.

In his speech, Max Hahn thanked the political leaders of the 13 signatory municipalities for their commitment to intercultural living together and their recognition of diversity as an asset for Luxembourg's society.

"Now we need to motivate people to get involved in their municipality. My ministry is at your disposal to help and support you in this process. At the same time, take advantage of the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn from each other's experiences."

The Minister also emphasised that the key ideas of the "Gemengepakt" are access to information, the fight against racism and civic participation.

Serge Hoffmann, vice-president of SYVICOL, also pointed out that many of the municipalities present had already successfully experienced the pilot project "Pakt vum Zesummeliewen". "The signing of the 'Gemengepakt' is part of a series of concrete projects and initiatives that have already been developed and implemented in recent years. The continuation of these projects, as well as the development of new initiatives, will enable us to further strengthen the living together in our municipalities." Serge Hoffmann also stressed the importance for everyone to meet in a spirit of mutual respect that emphasises what is shared while valuing differences, an essential condition for the progress of Luxembourg society. Finally, he congratulated the political leaders on their participation in the "Gemengepakt" and wished them great success.

The "Gemengepakt" (municipal pact for intercultural living together)

The "Gemengepakt" (municipal pact for intercultural living together) was introduced by the law of 23 August 2023 on intercultural living together and is an important tool for strengthening intercultural living together at local level.

By signing the "Gemengepakt", a municipality or group of municipalities, SYVICOL and the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees commit to working closely together, with a view to a multi-annual and participatory process that emphasises access to information, the participation of all people living or working in the municipality and the fight against racism and all forms of discrimination.

The "Gemengepakt" is divided into thematic cycles, which take place in five stages:

  • Political commitment
  • Assessment of the current situation
  • Citizen workshops to develop concrete actions
  • Implementation of concrete actions
  • Evaluation of the work carried out

The "Gemengepakt" is based on the pilot project "Pakt vum Zesummeliewen" (2021-2023), in which 32 municipalities took part.

The implementation of the "Gemengepakt" is closely supported by the Ministry, its official partners ASTI and CEFIS, and five advisers on intercultural living together. The advisers provide their expertise and share good practices between the participating municipalities. Other partners, in particular local players, are called upon to get involved and participate in the development and implementation of intercultural living together in their municipality.

Under the "Gemengepakt" initiative, various forms of assistance are available to municipalities:

  • an annual grant of up to €30,000 per municipality to cover the costs of a municipal pact coordinator,
  • an annual grant of €3,000, €5,000 or €8,000 to cover the costs of implementing the municipal pact (depending on the number of local councillors) and
  • an annual grant of €5 for each resident of the municipality and each cross-border worker whose place of work is in the municipality and who is a signatory to the citizens' pact at 31 December of the current year.

For more information, visit gemengen.zesummeliewen.lu or send an e-mail to gemengen.zesummeliewen@fm.etat.lu.

Press release by the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees, Division of Intercultural Living Together / Syndicat des villes et communes luxembourgeoises (SYVICOL)