Prime Minister Luc Frieden’s New Year speech

New Year speech by Prime Minister Luc Frieden on 31 December 2023

Translation of Prime Minister Luc Frieden's New Year speech

Dear fellow citizens,

As we reach the end of the year, I would like to share a few brief thoughts with you. When I look at the world of 2023, I see many unsettling and awful events: Ukraine, the Middle East, conflicts in the Caucasus and the Balkans, military coups in the Sahel. It appears that many issues which could be resolved through dialogue are instead being settled with force. This is a sad and deplorable situation, and it is our duty to advocate for peace and diplomacy.

It is therefore all the more reassuring to see what's happening in Europe. Since its creation, Europe has been created as an alternative to war. Despite the inevitable disagreements and debates that arise, we gather around one table. This approach is one that we must - and that I wish to - continue to strengthen in 2024. In Luxembourg, which is an essential part of this Europe, our institutions functioned well throughout 2023. This year's legislative elections allowed citizens to express their opinions and to elect their representatives to the Parliament. These elections led to the formation of a new government. Yet, the effective functioning of our democracy, the fairness of the electoral process, and the acceptance of the results by all parties are not taken for granted everywhere in the world. We can all be proud of that. After the elections and the formation of the new government, I was entrusted with the role of Prime Minister. This is a great honor and a huge responsibility. I am eager to work with enthusiasm and a positive outlook, striving to guarantee the welfare of the citizens and our country for the years to come.

But in a democracy, you cannot act alone. This is why I work closely with all ministers, members of Parliament and each one of you. If we want our country to do well, we must all work together and move in the same direction.

For 2024, I would like our country to remain united as a nation, and I wish for solidarity and respect for each other. Fortunately, we live in a pluralistic democracy with a variety of parties and therefore diverse opinions. We don't have to agree on everything. The very fact that we are able to debate is enriching. However, I would like us to listen to each other. As Prime Minister or ”Staatsminister”, as the Luxembourgers like to say, I am determined to listen, also to those who did not vote for me or have a different opinion. This is the strength of Luxembourg's democracy and of our system. This also includes our social partners, civil society, and anyone willing to provide constructive input to the debate.

Our aim for 2024 is to build a country that is economically attractive and socially equitable, to help create quality jobs, to reduce poverty as much as possible and to give everyone in this country a fair chance to take part in the general prosperity and to be happy. However, happiness depends not only on material possessions but also on the way we care for one another, especially in moments of illness, loneliness, or when in need of support. That is all part of my vision for Luxembourg.

And, needless to say, this includes a responsible attitude to nature, the environment and the climate. This is essential not only for ourselves, but above all for our children and grandchildren. We must ensure that nature and a healthy environment are preserved for the future of our society.

I also want Luxembourg to be a resolutely pro-European country in 2024. A country that is aware of what is happening in the rest of the world. We have a responsibility here too. We cannot remain indifferent to violations of fundamental principles in Ukraine, the Middle East or elsewhere. We must also support these countries, as their situation has direct and indirect repercussions on us.

And finally, I would like to say to all those who live and work here and who do not have the Luxembourgish nationality or do not speak our language, that you too are part of this great Luxembourgish community and of this project for the future that I want to shape together with you for our country. We are grateful for your contributions, and even if you were not able to participate in the 2023 legislative elections, I will listen to you and take note of what you have to say. Your suggestions will be taken into account in the project we are drawing up for the future of Luxembourg.

On behalf of our Government and myself, I would like to express my warmest New Year wishes to our Head of State, the Grand Duke, and the entire Grand Ducal family. To all of you, whether here in Luxembourg or abroad, I wish you good health, joy, and happiness in the upcoming year.

Member of the Government



Ministry of State 

Event date
