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  • 1677 result(s)
  1. On 15 November, the foundation stone for the new Integrated Centre for the Elderly (CIPA) of the operator HPPA a.s.b.l. was laid in Eischen, on the former football field, a few metres from the Belgian border.

  2. At a joint press conference on November 11, 2021, Carole Dieschbourg, Luxembourg's minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, presented a declaration for a nuclear-free taxonomy together with Ministers from Germany, Austria, Portugal and Denmark.

  3. For the week of 25 to 31 October, the number of people testing positive for COVID-19 has increased from 981 to 1,118 cases (+14%), as well as the number of their identified close contacts, which increased to 4,452, compared to 4,031 cases the week before (+10%).

  4. Today, the Prime Minister, Minister of State, Xavier Bettel, has decided that the request for the organisation of a referendum on the proposed revision of Chapter VI of the Constitution, submitted by an initiative committee and received on 26 October 2021, is declared admissible as it meets the requirements set by the amended law of 4 February 2005.

  5. On 23 October 2021, the Minister for Family Affairs and Integration Corinne Cahen attended the fifth edition of the "Best Agers' Forum", a conference dedicated to promoting the actions of municipalities for the benefit of the elderly, which took place at the Centre Prince Henri in Walferdange.

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