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  • 1682 result(s)
  1. For the week of 28 June to 4 July, the number of people testing positive for COVID-19 has increased from 107 to 787 cases (+635%), as did the number of their identified close contacts, which rose to 2,228, compared to 353 cases the week before (+531%).

  2. As of July 5, the Ministry for Consumer Protection is launching an information campaign on Nutri-Score, the logo that can be found on the packaging of processed products and which provides information on the nutritional quality of the food product.

  3. The Luxembourg Government takes note of the publication of a series of articles in the international press concerning alleged informal tax rulings and so-called 'information letters', and refutes the numerous allegations on tax ruling practices in Luxembourg and more specifically the gratuitous claim that there would be some kind of administrative practice involving so-called 'information letters'

  4. In view of the circulation of mutated strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the transmissibility of which seems to be increased, and in particular the spread of the so-called "delta" variant (B.1.617.2), the additional sanitary measures applicable to all travel from the United Kingdom to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg have been extended until 15 July 2021 inclusive.

  5. During the week from 21 to 27 June, the number of people testing positive for COVID-19 continued to increase slightly from 90 to 107 (+19%), while the number of their identified close contacts decreased from 396 cases the previous week to 353 (-11.1%).

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