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  • 1677 result(s)
  1. During the week from 3 to 9 May, the number of people testing positive for COVID-19 decreased again from 1,119 to 936 (-16.4%), while the number of their identified close contacts also decreased from 2,967 cases the previous week to 2,423 (-18.4%).

  2. From 17 May 2021, 5.7 million tests will be distributed. To this end, 4 distribution centres have been set up. The distribution will take place in Soleuvre near the Festikuss cultural centre, in Bertrange near the ARCA cultural centre (200m from the Centre Atert), in the ZANO industrial zone at Fridhaff and in Grevenmacher near the Op Flohr stadium.

  3. During the week from 26 April to 2 May, the number of people testing positive for COVID-19 continued to decrease slightly from 1,231 to 1,119 (-9%), while the number of their identified close contacts increased from 2,517 cases the previous week to 2,967 (+18%).

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