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  • 1640 result(s)
  1. After the opening of the Advanced care centers (Centres de soins avancés - CSA), the daily balance sheet and forecasts will make it possible to best anticipate the day-to-day management of the influx of patients.

  2. Research Luxembourg, a joint initiative of the main players in Luxembourg's public research sector, is mobilising its knowledge and its human and material resources to help address the challenge of Covid-19. A task force has been set up in order to offer the health system the combined expertise available within the Luxembourg public research sector .

  3. Faced with the impact of COVID-19 on companies and the self-employed in Luxembourg, the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS) and the Minister for Social Security, Romain Schneider, have taken a series of measures to support companies and the self-employed by offering them greater flexibility in their management of the payment of social security contributions.

  4. On 19 March 2020, Minister for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Lex Delles and Minister for Family Affairs and Integration Corinne Cahen launched the online sales platform, dedicated to vulnerable people.

  5. The Grand Ducal Regulation of 18 March introducing a series of measures in the context of the fight against COVID-19 was published in the official journal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and has thus entered into effect on this day. As a consequence, the state of crisis has been declared on the national territory, in accordance with article 32(4) of the Constitution.

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