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  • 1677 result(s)
  1. Since 2007, the European Public Sector Award (EPSA) has received, assessed and made accessible more than 1200 public practices from 39 European countries and the European institutions.

  2. The Islamic Development Bank has today announced it has created an innovative Sustainable Finance Framework to utilise funds exclusively for green projects in IsDB Member Countries through and catalyse the role of the Bank’s preferred financing tool – the Sukuk bond.

  3. Créé en 2009, le service 321 Vakanz s’adresse aux personnes en situation de handicap ou à mobilité réduite en leur offrant des formules de voyages, des excursions ainsi que d’autres services pour favoriser leur bien-être et l’accès aux lieux culturels...

  4. Every year the European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP) and the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (GSA) organize what is known as the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) Annual Workshop. This year the workshop took place in Rome on the 24th and 25th of September.

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