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  • 1677 result(s)
  1. La Ligue HMC (Ligue luxembourgeoise pour le secours aux enfants, aux adolescents et aux adultes mentalement ou cérébralement handicapés) offre différents services aux personnes en situation de handicap: hébergement, formation, travail, activités occupationnelles ou encore des ateliers protégés. Les tableaux...

  2. On the occasion of a seminar held in Seoul on July 16, 2019 during the economic mission to South Korea, Luxembourg presented itself as a centre of excellence for all management, analysis and highly secure hosting of data as well as distribution of digital content, in particular thanks to its excellent connectivity on both national and international level.

  3. ANA will provide sophisticated “airside-driving-training” to internal staff and external stakeholders of the airport platform. The system makes an important contribution to the success of ANA’S training organization by increasing training capacity for the growing number of airside drivers.

  4. Opening the 2019 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Annual Meeting in Luxembourg in the presence of HRH Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Fernand Etgen, Xavier Bettel and Pierre Gramegna, AIIB President Jin Liqun set out the Bank's commitment to drive the green economy through sustainable, adaptable and innovative infrastructure investment.

  5. As part of a visit celebrating American Independence Day and the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, famous astronaut Buzz Aldrin met on July 3, 2019 with both the Luxembourg Space Agency team and the Government Advisory Board on Space Resources.

  6. For the public celebration of the birthday of HRH the Grand Duke, members of the Grand Duke's family and the government will attend the festivities organised in Esch-sur-Alzette, Bourscheid and Luxembourg City on 22nd and 23rd June 2019.

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