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  • 1654 result(s)
  1. Le 6 février 2019, Omega 90 a inauguré le projet "Before I die" en présence de Corinne Cahen, ministre de la Famille et de l’Intégration.

  2. On January 26th, various Member States urged Mr. Nicolás Maduro to take the necessary legal steps for democratic presidential elections to be announced within 8 days. On that same day, the EU High Representative / Vice President issued a statement on

  3. On Saturday, January 12, 2019, the police and the rescue services will participate in a national anti-terrorist exercise on the site Belval and more specifically in and around the Rockhal and Esch / Belval and at the Emile Mayrisch Hospital Center (CHEM).

  4. Several new legal and regulatory provisions applying directly to citizens will enter into force in 2019. Here is an overview of the main changes that will directly impact citizens. This list is not exhaustive.

  5. Christmas speech of HRH the Grand Duke Virun e puer Wochen ass sech zu Lëtzebuerg, zu Paräis, wéi an aneren Haaptstied vun Europa, mat Dignitéit un

  6. According to an in-depth study conducted by the Luxembourg Space Agency, using space resources is expected to create major socio-economic benefits in many areas, including GDP impacts, employment creation as well as market and technology spillovers in several technical domains such as data analytics, materials science, additive manufacturing and robotics.

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