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  • 1677 result(s)
  1. IMS Luxembourg – Inspiring More Sustainability – en collaboration avec le LISER, a présenté ce mardi les résultats du troisième baromètre "Diversité & Entreprise Lëtzebuerg", fruit de l’analyse des questionnaires de 138 organisations signataires ayant rempli cet engagement. Une...

  2. On 30 November 2018, Madame Monique Stirn, General Inspector of the police, and M. Vincent Fally, Deputy General Inspector, welcomed a delegation from the Belgian Standing Police Monitoring Committee of control of police services, Comité P.

  3. More than 100 delegates representing 30 member countries attended the 18th EPAC/EACN Annual Professional Conference and General Assembly from 22nd to 24th October 2018 in Rust, Austria, which was hosted by the Austrian Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption (BAK).

  4. In line with the governments new internet portal, launched and presented in February 2018, animated videos have been produced to put into evidence, through audiovisual elements, certain aspects of the Luxembourgish political system.

  5. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Economy, Étienne Schneider, and the Republic of Poland, represented by the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Jadwiga Emilewicz, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to start bilateral cooperation on space activities with particular focus on the exploration and utilization of space resources.

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