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  • 1677 result(s)
  1. Les Letters of agreement avec les différents utilisateurs de notre espace aérien sont revus régulièrement. L'accord avec le Cercle Luxembourgeois de vol à voile (CLVV) a été modifié pour la saison 2018 et fût signé le vendredi 30.3.2018 par M. Claudio Clori (CEO f.f.), M. Constant Rausch (chef ATC/APP) et le président du CLVV, M. Tom Scholtes.

  2. In the context of the Salisbury attack, the Luxembourg Government stands in full solidarity with the United Kingdom in the face of this serious challenge to our common security.

  3. Head of Space Affairs at the Ministry of the Economy, Marc Serres, has been appointed Vice-Chairman of the ESA Council for the remaining mandate of the current chairship until 30 June 2019. As the first Vice-Chairman of the ESA Council from Luxembourg, he replaces Otylia Trzaskalska-Stroińska, Deputy Director, Innovation Department at the Ministry of the Development of the Republic of Poland.

  4. Taking into account the international orientation of the Luxembourg labour market with an exceptional level of foreign and multilingual workforce, the Luxembourg Employment Agency (ADEM) has launched today the English version of its internet platform Portail de l’emploi ( which already is available in French and German.

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