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  • 1654 result(s)
  1. Building on the success of the first call for projects launched in November 2022, the Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning have decided to launch a second call for projects to encourage companies to set up and operate photovoltaic solar power plants in Luxembourg, with the aim of enabling them to use the electricity produced themselves.

  2. Within the frame of the national platform for disaster risk reduction, led by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the working group on "Vegetation and Forest Fires", composed of experts from the relevant authorities, has prepared advice on how to behave during the vegetation and forest fire season.

  3. The aim of this ASB is to raise awareness of potential safety hazards between leisure aviation and activities on aeromodelism fields in Luxembourg.

  4. When a schoolyear ends, many schoolbooks are no longer used. They are often left untouched to gather dust at home or even thrown away. Such actions have significant environmental consequences!

  5. Validity of your passport As the summer holidays approach, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFEA) would like to remind you that a valid

  6. The Graduate Showcase 2023 of the Fit 4 Start programme highlighted, in the presence of the Minister of the Economy, Franz Fayot, the 10 start-ups that successfully completed the 13th edition of the start-up acceleration programme run by Luxinnovation.

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