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  • 1654 result(s)
  1. On 23 January, the Minister of National Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch, presented the results of an evaluation of inclusive education in Luxembourg at a press conference.

  2. Following last week's announcement of the selection in the Generation Kplus section of Enzo D'Alò's A Greyhound of a Girl, a co-production with Paul Thiltges Distributions, Luxembourg cinema will be represented at this year's Berlinale (16-26 February) with three films in the Official Selection.

  3. On 20 January 2023, the Government Council approved the preliminary draft of the Grand Ducal Regulation on the nomenclature of medical acts and services covered by health insurance in order to implement the programme of preventive medicine and universal access to contraception at national level.

  4. The number of available resident jobseekers registered with the ADEM amounts to 15,760 on 31 December 2022, a decrease of 643 persons (or -3.9%) compared to December 2021.

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