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  • 1646 result(s)
  1. On Tuesday 15th March 2022, the European Institute of Peace (EIP), TrustWorks Global and the Directorate of Defence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg are launching an 18-month project to promote the inclusion of land and natural resource issues in conflict prevention and resolution in the border region (called Liptako Gourma) of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger in West Africa.

  2. On the occasion of the Spring Break, the Ministry for Consumer Protection draws the attention to the fact that exhibitors must display the price of products and services in euros, all taxes included, on the product itself or in the immediate vicinity, visible and readable by consumers.

  3. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs welcomes the generosity of the Luxembourgish population and the numerous initiatives, which aim at supporting the humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

  4. The Ministry for Consumer Protection is organising, together with Caritas Luxembourg as part of their project for sustainable textiles, a round table discussion.

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