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  • 1677 result(s)
  1. Consumer Dialogue 2022: Develop with us The Ministry of Consumer Protection is organising, in collaboration with the European Commission, a Consumer

  2. In order to cope with the cold snap and the sub-zero temperatures, which are expected for the next three days, the Minister of Family Affairs and Integration, Corinne Cahen, has announced the extension of the Winter Action (Wanteraktioun - WAK) until Tuesday 5 April 2022.

  3. A control of payment service providers, organized by the Ministry for Consumer Protection, showed that the branches established in Luxembourg operate in compliance with the Consumption Code. However, the Ministry draws the attention of consumers that significant costs are linked to these operations.

  4. François Bausch, Minister for Mobility and Public Works, together with René Steinhaus, President and CEO of lux-Airport, Richard Forson, President and CEO of Cargolux Airlines International, and Carl Berninghausen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Norsk e-Fuel, presented lux-Airport's plan to invest in the production of sustainable aviation fuel.

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